Big Sur Alive at Night
• San Dollar Beach, Big Sur, California • May 2013
A 45-minute long record of the light in Big Sur. The headlights on Highway 1 wrap around the edge of the Central Coast from the campfires of the Plaskett Creek Campground (foreground) extending to the Pt. Sur Lighthouse (last light on the left). Stars streak in arcs around Polaris with the orange city lights of the Monterey Peninsula glowing over the Santa Lucia Mountains.
Product Code: Sand Dollar Beach 130517-1
Available as numbered edition print for sale or commercial licensing.
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12x18 paper print
(plus $22 shipping & handling)
12x18 paper print in 18x24 white mat
(plus $50 shipping & handling)
16x24 canvas print
(plus $50 shipping & handling)
24x36 canvas print
(plus $75 shipping & handling)
30x45 canvas print
(plus $100 shipping & handling)
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