Go to Kickstarter.com for more info about Z Photo Game™ and to purchase.

Enter the competitive arena of fine art photography! Will your photos make the cut or end up in the thrift store bin?
Z Photo Game™ is a card-based board game that engages higher-order thinking and storytelling skills using a deck of 209 beautifully printed color photographs. It’s easy to play with a quick start out of the box.
Imagine that you and your friends are fine art photographers competing for gallery space and recognition, and exhibit curators struggling to host a popular and meaningful art show. Square 1 is high school Intro to Photography and your goal is to earn the most points and become the next Ansel Adams with your portfolio of photos.
The game theme follows the careers of 3 to 8 fine art photographers as they curate and display photos in exhibits. Each Photographer (player) is dealt 9 cards face down; this is their portfolio. Players around the table take turns being The Curator. The Curator creates and announces a theme for their exhibit. Each Photographer submits 1 photo from their portfolio to The Curator, who mixes up the photos and places them face up. The players then try to guess which photo came from The Curator. Points may be earned by The Curator for drawing votes for their photo, as well as the Photographers who guess correctly. Photographers also earn points if other Photographers guess their card as being The Curator’s. Once all the players serve as the Curator for 1 photo, then play advances to 2- and then 3-card submissions; these are called diptychs and triptychs in the art world.
Much like poker, successful players begin to read the patterns of play by the other players, making it easier to guess whose card is whose. Fine artists must also research the work and interests of exhibit curators so they can submit photos with the highest chance of being selected and stand out from their competition. Will your exhibits draw popular attention and earn you points? Will the other photographers select your photos as being the best to illustrate various themes? Finish first and be the next Ansel Adams!
Go to Kickstarter.com for more info about Z Photo Game™ and to purchase.